September 2015 Issue | Volume 9, Number 9
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging

The title of Dr. Layec's proposal is 'Nitric oxide coupling and BH4 availability roles in muscle dysfunction with COPD'.

The title of Dr. Schaefer's proposal is 'Generalization of functional task-specific motor training in older adults'.
The purpose of this K01 program is to provide support and protected time for an intensive, supervised career development experience in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences leading to research independence.
Congratulations to Center on Aging member, Troy Anderson, PhD who has been nationally selected to be one of two national dementia scholars that
will be on a Dementia Caregiving Network to create a registry about interventions
focused in dementia caregiving.
Center on Aging member anthropologist Kristen Hawkes, PhD has been published in the September 7th, 2015 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - 'Grandmothering life histories and human pair bonding.' Dr. Hawkes is known for the "grandmother hypothesis," which credits prehistoric
grandmothereing for our long human lifespan.
Dr. Hawkes research is working on human life history evolution guided by the hypothesis
that grandmothering is a fundamental shift in our genus underlying a suite of features
that distinguish humans from other great apes. Current efforts include 1) collaborations
in mathematical modeling and 2) data collection to improve estimates of ovarian and
somatic aging in our closest living relatives, chimpanzees. She also continues to
attend to hunter-gatherer behavioral ecology.
The Music and Memory Utah Coalition, coordinated through the Center on Aging and Utah Commission on Aging has partnered
with Salt Lake Acting Company to screen the award winning documentary film ALIVE INSIDE on Sept. 28th in their Little Theater.
SLAC has chosen Music and Memory as the featured community nonprofit in conjunction with the world premeire of their
upcoming play Blackberry Winter, written by local playwright Steven Yockey, which explores the subject of caregiving
for a loved one with dementia.
An informational booth will be manned by Coalition members at SLAC during the run
of the show from September 16 - October 25. Donations of new and used iPOD's will be accepted and encouraged.
Heather Podolan, has been hired as the new full-time Administrative Program Coordinator for the Center
on Aging. Heather comes to us from Huntsman Cancer Institute; where she has been here
for almost 5 years. Her official start date was September 1st.
Direct all future correspondence to Heather Podolan,
**Early Bird Registration ends July 31!**
Center on Aging 10th Annual Research Retreat 2016
Hold the Date
April 14 - April 15, 2016
More information - coming soon
Member Updates Requested
White you are visiting the MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY page, please check your own profile details for accuracy. Click the link associated with your name to ensure that it is directing to the proper page with your current CV details.
Please send any desired updates to Heather Podolan,
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence. Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center’s Web site . Please send any updates or requests for changes to
About our Logo

Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us
online at