May 2014 Issue | Volume 8, Number 5
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
AGS Annual Meeting Report
Utah's Center on Aging research was well represented at the Annual Meeting of the American Geriatrics Association in Orlando, Florida on May 15-17, 2014 with nine presentations.
Our poster presenters Lucy Brunker, Tim Farrell and Natalie Manley are pictured below.
Utah Commission on Aging
MUSIC & MEMORY℠ Comes To Utah
We are excited to report that Dan Cohen's groundbreaking MUSIC & MEMORY℠ program, as featured in the award-winning documentary "Alive Inside", is being implemented
in Utah!MUSIC & MEMORY℠ helps elders in care facilities, hospice, and home settings suffering
from a wide range of cognitive and physical challenges "revive" and "awaken" through
the gift of personalized music. The movie has had a phenomenal response, spurring
audiences to take action in communities both nationally and internationally.
The Utah Commission on Aging has been designated as the coordinator for a workgroup of key leaders from local
state agencies, businesses, clinical providers and non-profits to ensure successful
collaboration of the Utah roll-out.
Thanks to generous donations from Zions Bank and Skullcandy providing seed funding,
in cooperation with non-profit volunteer support of Jewish Family Services, the Utah
launch has been enabled.
Application of this program state-wide will likely offer great opportunities for research projects.
Free Film Screenings of "Alive Inside"
Don't miss attending an upcoming film screening and panel Q & A of "Alive Inside". These screenings are free and open to the public.
We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues:
- Thurs. July 22 - 7:00 PM - Salt Lake City Library
- Thurs. August 14 - 7:00 PM - West Jordan City Library (Viridian Center)
- Thurs. August 21 - 7:00 PM - Peery's Egyptian Theater, Ogden Utah
ADRC Update
Currently, the Utah Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) has funding through
the end of September 2014 and has just received information regarding future funding
The U.S. Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services and the Veterans Health Administration have developed this Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA) to assist states in the planning of a No Wrong Door (NWD) System
that will make it easier for all populations in need of LTSS to learn about and access
the services and supports they need, "Transforming State LTSS Access Programs and
Functions Into a No Wrong Door System for All Populations and Payers." This is a 12
month funding opportunity to create a 3-year plan to enhance Utah’s residents experience
when seeking long term services and support. The application is due on July 15th,
and awards will be offered in September. This announcement can be viewed at www.acl/gov/Funding:
The Utah ADRC is in the second year of funding from the VA Office of Rural Health,
providing Options Counseling to Rural Veterans. Our ADRC agencies are reaching out
to their veteran callers, many who have never been enrolled in any VA program or service.
In the first year ADRCs served 338 veterans, 57% of these clients are over the age
of 80! The project expanded to 2 additional ADRC sites, Five County (AAA) and Active
Re-Entry (CIL) joining, Bear River (AAA), Mountainland (AAA), Salt Lake County Aging
and Adult Serves (AAA).
April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014
Total Veterans Served: 338
95% were over the age of 60
3% were under the age of 60
Top VA Referrals
46% were referred to VHA Healthcare
44% were referred for Aid & Attendance
36% were referred for Pension
22% were referred for Nursing Home Care
Member Spotlight
Jacqueline Eaton, a PhD student in the UU Hartford Center for Geriatric Nursing Excellence, successfully
defended her dissertation, "Increasing Positive Perceptions of Late Life Potential",
on May 1, 2014.
She also received the College of Nursing Outstanding PhD Student Award during the convocation on May 2, 2014.
Upcoming Events
Save the Date - September 15-16, 2014
12th Annual Rocky Mountain Geriatrics Conference: "Unlocking Doors across the Long Term Services and Support Spectrum"
This Year’s Conference Will be Held at the Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
Presented By: The Division of Geriatrics, University of Utah, School of Medicine
For more information, or to have your name added to the Rocky Mountain Conference
email notification list, please contact Jack Christensen at (801)582-1565 x2435 or
Help spread the word by telling others who may be interested.
NOTE: This is not necessarily a comprehensive list. Please Search for additional opportunities at
Opening Date | Title and Link to More Information | Funding |
1/5/2014 | Advancing the Science of Geriatric Palliative Care (R01) also R03 and R21 | PA-13-354 |
1/5/2013 | Pain in Aging (R01) also R03 and R21 | PA-13-058 |
4/28/2014 | Network and Infrastructure Support for Development of Interdisciplinary Aging Research (R24) | PAR-14-081 |
5/5/2014 | Early Stage Development of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science (R01) | PA-14-155 |
5/5/2014 | Alzheimer's Disease Pilot Clinical Trials (R01) | PAR-14-089 |
5/5/2014 | Translational Research to Help Older Adults Maintain their Health and Independence in the Community (R01) | PA-14-161 |
5/16/2014 | Translational Research to Help Older Adults Maintain their Health and Independence in the Community (R21) | PA-14-159 |
5/23/2014 | Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (P30) | RFA-AG-15-003 |
8/23/2014 | Design and Development of Novel Technologies for Healthy Independent Living (R21) | PAR-14-119 |
8/23/2014 | Technologies for Healthy Independent Living (R01) | PAR-14-118 |
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence.
Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center’s Web site . Please send any updates or requests for changes to
About our Logo

Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us
online at