September 2013 Issue | Volume 7, Number 9
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
Spring Retreat 2014
Save The Date! March 24-25

Calling All Students & Trainees
Given the new academic year, we invite CoA faculty to provide us with the names of their students and trainees so that they can recieve CoA communications. Please send the student's name, email address and program information (including level of training - eg. undergraduate, masters, PhD or post-doctoral trainee) to Holly Abel at As a reminder, you are also encouraged to have your trainees apply for CoA student membership with your sponsorship. Please let Holly know if you wish to initiate this application process.
Rocky Mountain Geriatrics Conference Recap
We thank everyone who participated in the 11th Annual Rocky Mountain Geriatrics Conference, held from Sept. 10th - 11th, 2013 at Snowbird Resort. We had record attendance this year, and have received praise for its success and excellent feedback for next year.
Charlene Weir, BS., PhD., RN was recognized duirng the Rocky Mt. geriatrics Conference for her tireless service spanning the past thirteen years (2000-2013) as the Associate Director of Education and Evaluation for the SL VA GRECC. Charlene has accepted another position in the VA Research Service. Jorie Butler, Ph.D. will be stepping into her shoes as the acting Assoc. Director of Education and Evaluation.
College of Social Work
Dr. Marilyn Luptak, Chair of Aging in Social Work Concentration, College Of Social Work, was selected
to moderate a panel on The New Expectations for Health Care during a White House Briefing this month. Hosted by College of Social Work, the
White House Briefing will concentrate on “Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
in a New Era: The Role of Social Work Education.”
The White House Briefing will focus on preparing the next generation of social work practitioners for a new paradigm in health professional education and collaborative practice. The goal of this White House Briefing is to foster a shared understanding of the future of health care in the United States, broadly defined, and to identify a path forward for social work education in this new era. Please join us in congratulating Marilyn!
College of Nursing
Lifetime Acheivement Award
In celebration of Ginny’s vast contributions to the profession of nursing, and in honor of her Lifetime Achievement Award, the University of Utah College of Nursing shared her reflections on her career spanning 35 years. Her interview can be read on the Nursing website, linked here.
Utah Commission on Aging
Helping Shape Senior Housing Options
Upcoming Meetings
- Wednesday October 9, 2013 Commission Bi-Monthly Meeting: from 1:00-3:00 PM at Millcreek Community Center 2266 E. Evergreen Ave. (3400 S) Millcreek Township, UT 84109 **attendees are encouraged to come early to eat lunch in the Evergreen Cafe for a nominal fee**
- Wednesday December 4th, 2013 Commission Bi-Monthly Meeting and Holiday Luncheon: from 12:00 - 2:00 PM at the University of Utah Olpin Union Building, Parlor A. - 200 So. Central Campus Drive, SLC, UT 84112 *please RSVP for luncheon*
The Utah Aging and Disability Resource Connection has been awarded an additional year
of funding! This funding is to continue the NWD/ADRC system efforts to help older
adults and people with disabilities to learn about and access long terms services
and supports(LTSS). The Utah ADRC will be rolling into our 5th year on October 1, 2013.
For more information about the ADRC, please contact Jen Morgan, ADRC Program Manager or Rhonda Hypio, ADRC Project Coordinator.
October 10 - Utah Aging Alliance 22nd Annual Meeting
The Utah Geriatrics Society will present five breakout sessions during this conference.
For more information please contact Lynda Oderda or the Utah Aging Alliance –
November 20-24 - Gerontological Society of America
The 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the GSA will be held Nov. 20-24 in New Orleans, LA. All program details and registration information can be found on their website
2013 Fall ESS/UVRL Colloquium Series
We have a great group of speakers. Please attend when possible and spread the word to your colleagues! All lectures take place on the last Friday of each month. 1:00-2:00pm - The location is HPR-N 238 [Click here for a 2013 series flier]
NOTE: This is not necessarily a comprehensive list. Search for additional opportunities at
Newly Posted
Open Date | Title and Link to More Information | Funding |
9/19/2013 |
Advancing the Science of Geriatric Palliative Care (R01) also R03 and R21 available |
PA-13-354 |
8/28/2013 |
Paul B. Beeson Clinical Scientist Development Award in Aging (K08) |
RFA-AG-14-013 |
8/28/2013 | Paul B. Beeson Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award in Aging (K23) | RFA-AG-14-014 |
8/13/2013 | Audacious Goals Initiative High Priority Research Area: Intersection of Aging and Biological Mechanisms of Eye Disease (R01) | PA-13-332 |
Deadline Approaching
Deadline Date |
Title and Link to More Information (due to the U's subscription with SciVal, some of these links may only be accessed when on campus or if you have already registered on SciVal) |
Funding Number, Sponsor, & Type |
10/03/2013 | Macroeconomic Aspects of Population Aging (R01) | PAR-12-186 |
10/22/2013 |
Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists’ Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) (R03) See more at: |
RFA-AG-14-010 |
12/16/2013 | Glenn/AFAR Breakthroughs in Gerontology Award | The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) |
12/16/2013 | The Julie Martin Mid-Career Award in Aging Research | The Ellison Medical Foundation |
12/16/2013 | The New Investigator Awards in Alzheimer's Disease | The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) |
1/07/2014 | Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25) | RFA-OD-13-009 |
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence.
Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center’s Web site . Please send any updates or requests for changes to
About our Logo

Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us
online at