November 2013 Issue | Volume 7, Number 11
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
Announcing 2013 Pilot Grant Recipients!
The Center on Aging Steering Committee has completed its review of the 19 pilot grant
applications that were submitted this year. We had a difficult challenge to select
from this group of meritorious projects and rank the ones that were ultimately selected
for funding.
We are pleased to announce the following winners, and the titles of their proposals:
1. Lisa Cannon-Albright, PhD - Genetic Epidemiology: "Informative linkage analysis of extended longevity pedigrees in Utah"
2. Margaret (Meg) DeAngelis, PhD - Opthalmology and Visual Sciences: "Elucidating functional mechanisms in the normal aging retina and AMD"
3. Linda K. Edelman, PhD - College of Nursing: "Utilizing space-time paths to study triage patterns of older adult trauma care"
4. Matthew Rondina, MD - Internal Medicine: "Platelets: Unexamined Contributors to Immunosenescence"
5. Ming Wen, PhD - Sociology - "Filial Piety and Health of Older Adults in China: A Mixed-Method Study"
GSA Conference
The 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Geriatrics Society of America was held from Wednesday, 11/20 to Sunday 11/24 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The University of Utah was well represented with 10 Posters presented!
1. Connecting Rural Veterans to Aging and Disability Resource Centers for Options Counseling
B.L. Hicken, J.N. Morgan, R. Rupper, M. Henry
2. Decreased 30-day Hospital Readmission Rate Among Delirium Prevention Program Participants
M. Supiano, K. Anderson, M. Beattie, C. Clift, N. Joyce, E.W. Young
3. Connecting and Coordinating with Rural Community Partners to Care for Older Veterans
R. Rupper, B.L. Hicken, C.M. Daniel, J. Nebeker
4. Attitudes Toward Telehealth Use Among Older Residents in Urban, Rural, and Highly
Rural Communities
V. Call, B.L. Hicken, N.K. Dailey,
5. Caring for Older Adults with Depression: The Lived Experience of Family Members
M. Luptak, M. Henry, C.E. Duffy, S.M. Metzner
6. Social Work Student Care Managers in the Medical Home Model: Intervention and Outcomes
for Chronically Ill Older Persons
S. Asante, F.E. Wilby, M. Luptak, C.P. Brunker
7. Facilitating Older Adult Veterans in Aging Optimally: Revolutionary Solutions Through
Creative Educational Interdisciplinary Partnerships
K.F. Felsted, J.W. Brown
8. The Strengths and Opportunities of the Future Identified in Interdisciplinary Gerontology
Education through the Graduate Council Review Process
K.F. Felsted
9. Spousal Caregiving and Associated Health Outcomes: Findings from the Health and Retirement
K.B. Dassel, D.C. Carr
10. Providing and Receiving Help in Bereavement Support Group Meetings
M. Caserta, R. Utz, D. Lund
Spring Retreat 2014 - Save The Date! March 24-25

Utah Commission on Aging
The Utah Commission on Aging has published it's 2012-2013 Annual Report. It can be accessed from the Commission webpage at, or see the document directly, at this link.
ADRC/VA Project Update
We are 6 months into our project and are pleased to report we have served 224 Veteran
clients at Salt Lake County, Mountainland, and Bear River Area Agencies on Aging.
The project will expand to Active Re-Entry CIL in Moab and our newest ADRC site, Five
County AOG, this year.
The expansion will allow the ADRC to provide services to a great number of Veterans across the state. To Date, 77 ADRC and other agency staff have participated in 646.50 hours of VA training, and 65% of those participants have attended 2 more trainings.
Calling All Students & Trainees
Given the new academic year, we invite CoA faculty to provide us with the names of their students and trainees so that they can recieve CoA communications. Please send the student's name, email address and program information (including level of training - eg. undergraduate, masters, PhD or post-doctoral trainee) to Holly Abel at As a reminder, you are also encouraged to have your trainees apply for CoA student membership with your sponsorship. Please let Holly know if you wish to initiate this application process.
Upcoming Events
Please note that due to the University Holiday schedule our office will be closed on the following days:
- December 24-26, 2013
- January 1-3, 2014
NOTE: This is not necessarily a comprehensive list. Please Search for additional opportunities at
Newly Posted
Open Date | Title and Link to More Information | Funding |
1/3/2014 |
Secondary Analyses of Social and Behavioral Datasets in Aging (R03) |
RFA-AG-14-008 |
1/4/2013 |
Solid Organ Transplantation: Older Donors and Recipients (R01) also R03 & R21 |
PA-13-030 |
1/5/2014 |
Advancing the Science of Geriatric Palliative Care (R01) also R03 and R21 |
PA-13-354 |
1/5/2014 | Pain in Aging (R01) also R03 and R21 | PA-13-058 |
Deadlines Approaching
Deadline Date |
Title and Link to More Information (due to the U's subscription with SciVal, some of these links may only be accessed when on campus or if you have already registered on SciVal) |
Funding Number, Sponsor, & Type |
12/16/2013 | Glenn/AFAR Breakthroughs in Gerontology Award | The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) |
12/16/2013 | The Julie Martin Mid-Career Award in Aging Research | The Ellison Medical Foundation |
12/16/2013 | The New Investigator Awards in Alzheimer's Disease | The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) |
1/07/2014 | Short Courses on Innovative Methodologies in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R25) | RFA-OD-13-009 |
1/23/2014 | Roybal Centers for Translational Research on Aging (P30) | RFA-AG-14-004 |
2/4/2014 | Secondary Analyses of Social and Behavioral Datasets in Aging (R03) | RFA-AG-14-008 |
3/4/2014 | Biodemography of Aging (R01) also R03 & R21 | PAR-12-078 |
5/08/2014 | Translational Research to Help Older Adults Maintain their Health and Independence in the Community (R01) also R03 & R21 | PA-11-123 |
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence.
Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center’s Web site . Please send any updates or requests for changes to
About our Logo

Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us
online at