June 2013 Issue | Volume 7, Number 6
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
$1M Reynolds Award!
We are pleased to announce that The University of Utah School of Medicine has been
selected to receive a $1 million grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation to improve
physician training in geriatric medicine.
The University of Utah is one of 10 institutions selected nationwide to receive funding
as part of the foundation’s 2012 call for proposals for its “Next Steps in Physicians’
Training In Geriatrics” grants. Recipients of the grants are continuing work already
started to improve the quality of life for America’s elderly by preparing physicians
to provide better care for frail older people. [Read grant description and more details on our website here]
2013 Pilot Grants
Upcoming Conferences
2013 Rocky Mountain Geriatric Conference - September 9-10
Please plan to attend the 11th Annual Rocky Mountain Geriatrics Conference
Utah Aging Alliance 22nd Annual Meeting - Oct.10
The Utah Geriatrics Society will present five breakout sessions during this conference. For more information please contact Lynda Oderda Lynda.oderda@hsc.utah.edu or the Utah Aging Alliance – utahagingalliance@gmail.com
College of Nursing
Postdoctoral Fellowship - CoN T32
The University of Utah College of Nursing is offering a postdoctoral fellowship program in cancer, aging, or end-of-life care. This program builds upon research opportunities within the University of Utah Center on Aging, the Huntsman Cancer Institute, the Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence, and the funded research at the College of Nursing, including the $7.8 million NIH-funded PO1 Partners in Hospice Care grant. Full-time fellows receive mentorship and active engagement in interdisciplinary research as well as support to advance their own research in these areas. Letters of interest are due by June 1. Fellowships will begin in August 2013 (negotiable).
Jenny Alderden, RN, MN, CCRN, and PhD student at the University of Utah College of Nursing Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence has received the Patricia G. Archbold Predoctoral Scholar Award for 2013 - 2015.
She is one of nine scholars chosen from across the country by the National Hartford
Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence (NHCGNE). Ms. Alderden will receive
$100,000 over two years to support her doctoral studies and help launch her career
in academic gerontological nursing. Congratulations!
The Utah Commission on Aging
The next two bi-monthly public meetings of the Commission will be held:
- Wednesday June 12, 2013 from 1:00-3:00 PM - at the AARP offices, 6975 Union Park Center Midvale, UT 84047.
- Wednesday August 14, 2013 from 1:00-3:00 at the Salt Lake City-County Building 451 South State Street - Cannon Room #335, SLC, UT 84101
For more info about the Commission, visit the web page, or contact Anne Peterson, Interim Executive Director, at Ap.Peterson@utah.edu.
CoA Website Reminder
Please check Your CoA Bio Page
Changes have been made to all Center on Aging Membership bio pages. In order to be more streamlined and prevent duplications your previous CoA bio page has been removed and your name is now linking to an official U of U bio page. We have tried to link each member with their most updated page pulling from FAR, MBM, or Hospital. When those pages were lacking, we looked at your individual department websites. Please let us know if you desire a different page as your link.
1. Go to the CoA Membership Directory Page.
2. Find your name and confirm that your photo, contact info and bio link is correct.
Please send any desired website updates or questions to Holly Abel at aging@utah.edu.
Aging Grant Opportunities
Newly Posted
Open Date | Title and Link to More Information | Funding |
5/30/2013 | Chronic Inflammation and Age-related disease (R01) | PAR-13-233 |
6/7/2013 | OSERS: NIDRR: The Disability and Rehabilitation Research and Training Program: Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers RRTCs): Promoting Healthy Aging for Individuals with Long-Term Physical Disabilities CFDA Number 84.133B-10 | ED-GRANTS-060713-001 |
Deadline Approaching
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence.
Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center’s Web site . Please send any updates or requests for changes to aging@utah.edu.
About our Logo

Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us
online at www.aging.utah.edu