August 2013 Issue | Volume 7, Number 8
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
The Utah Commission On Aging
Passing The Baton
On Wednesday August 14, 2013 a luncheon was held honoring Maureen Henry, JD who led the Utah Commission on Aging as Executive Director from 2005 - 2012. During
her tenure Maureen was instrumental in facilitating the process that led to the passage
of a new Advance Health Care Directive law, and was involved in policy evaluations
of health care workforce, aging workers, financial exploitation and abuse, the Physician
Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST), and long-term care policy. Maureen also
served as Director of Utah’s Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) from
2009-2012. During the past year Maureen has been on sabbatical assignment in Washington,
DC serving on a Congressional task force dedicated to aging issues and health care.
We wish her all the best!
The Commission officially welcomes Anne Palmer Peterson, Ed.D as our newly appointed Executive Director. Anne is the founding director of the OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute, which provides education to citizens age 50 and older through the University of Utah. She was appointed to the Utah Commission on Aging in 2005 as representative of Utah higher education. The needs identified through her committee laid the groundwork for establishing the Utah Aging & Disability Resource connection.
Anne completed her Doctorate in Education in 2009 at the University of London Institute of Education, studying international dimensions of lifelong learning. Her master degree is in Public Administration, and her bachelor degree is from the University of California at Berkeley.
Anne has been serving as Interim Director of the Commission since Maureen's departure and will now take the helm permanently. We look forward to the continuation of her excellent leadership!
Upcoming Meeting
- UCOA Bi-Monthly OCTOBER Meeting: Wednesday October 9, 2013 from 1:00-3:00 PM at Millcreek Community Center 2266 E. Evergreen Ave. (3400 S) Millcreek Township, UT 84109 **attendees are encouraged to come early to eat lunch in the Evergreen Cafe for a nominal fee**
For more info about the Commission, visit the web page, or contact Anne Peterson, Executive Director, at
Expansion Update
The Utah Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is expanding. The Five County Association of Governments Steering Committee voted unanimously on August 14 to join the Utah ADRC network! Five County covers Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, and Washington counties and will become an official Utah ADRC site October 1, 2014.
Annual Meeting
The ADRC and VHA Office of Rural Health have partnered to offer a free full day conference on Veteran Health Administration Services and Benefits on August 29 from 8:30-5:00 at the University of Utah Fort Douglas Officer’s Club. Over 60 participants statewide, as well as representation from ADRC’s from Nevada and Idaho will attend.
Space is still available. Please contact Rhonda, ADRC Project Coordinator at
2013 Pilot Grants
The Center on Aging received 19 Pilot Grant proposals this year (a 58% increase from last year). The abstracts are being prepared for internal and external review. Applicants should expect to hear final award decisions in mid-November.
NIA Opportunity - GEMSSTAR
The NIA announces release of the 2014 GEMSSTAR RFA-AG-14-010 (Grants for Early Medical and Surgical Specialists Transition of Aging Research), a unique funding opportunity which combines a small aging-related research project grant (R03) with a separately funded individualized career development plan targeted at early career clinician-scientists in medical and surgical specialties. This RFA seeks to attract junior faculty medical and surgical specialists to aging and geriatrics–focused research within their specialty areas to further improve our understanding and specialty care of older adults and to provide a mechanism for specialists to establish a track record in aging research. Please note that the NIA R03 budget limit for GEMSSTAR 2014 has been increased to $75,000 in annual direct costs. In addition to the GEMSSTAR RFA-AG-14-010, more information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at the NIA GEMSSTAR website. Please share this announcement with all eligible candidates and their mentors. Applications for 2014 GEMSSTAR Awards are due October 21, 2013 for funding starting around July 2014.
*You can read an NIA blog piece about GEMSSTAR this week at
College of Nursing
Student Recognition
Jenny Alderden, RN, MN, CCRN and Terrie Vann-Ward, APN, FNP-BC, GNP-BC successfully passed their comprehensive exams in July and have achieved PhD candidacy in the University of Utah College of Nursing Hartford Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence.
Save The Date!
March 24th - 25th, 2014 are the dates for the Center on Aging's Annual Research Retreat. The location will be the University Guest House Ballroom. On the afternoon of Monday March 24th we will hold our Poster Session and on the morning of Tuesday March 24th we will enjoy our special guest lecture and symposiums. More details and information will be released soon.
Upcoming Events
September 10 - 2013 Rocky Mountain Geriatric Conference
Please plan to attend the 11th Annual Rocky Mountain Geriatrics Conference.
Accreditations have been approved for: AMA CME, ANCC, NASW, AAFP, AGS GRA, APTA.
October 10 - Utah Aging Alliance 22nd Annual Meeting
The Utah Geriatrics Society will present five breakout sessions during this conference.
For more information please contact Lynda Oderda or the Utah Aging Alliance -
2013 Fall ESS/UVRL Colloquium Series
We have a great group of speakers. Please attend when possible and spread the word to your colleagues!
All lectures take place the Last Friday of each month. Location is: HPR-N 238
August 30, 2013
James C. Martin, Ph.D."Fatigue during Maximal Effort: Time to Rethink Work Capacity?"
Associate Professor, Department of Exercise & Sport Science University of Utah
September 27, 2013
Lawrence I. Sinoway, M.D."Blood Pressure Responses to Exercise in Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease"
Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Physician Director, Penn State Heart and Vascular Institute Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute Penn State University
Aging Grant Opportunities
Newly Posted
Open Date | Title and Link to More Information | Funding |
8/14/2013 |
Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists’ Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) (R03) See more at: |
RFA-AG-14-010 |
Deadline Approaching
Center on Aging Membership Directory
As a mostly virtual Center, we depend on the accuracy and timeliness of our Web presence.
Center members are urged to review and update their membership directory information. Please view your information on the Center’s Web site . Please send any updates or requests for changes to
About our Logo

Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging
For more information about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us
online at