October 2010, Volume 4, Number 10
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
News and Events
SAVE THE DATE- February 22-23, 2011 - CoA Research Retreat
Mark your calendar now to attend the 5th Annual Center on Aging Research Retreat, February 22-23, 2011 in the Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles Health Science Education Building. Patient-centered Medical Home Care will be the theme, and will feature two keynote speakers: Steven R. Counsell, MD (pictured), and Robyn L. Golden, MA.
Dr. Counsell is the Mary Elizabeth Mitchell Professor of Geriatrics; Professor of
Medicine; Director, Indiana University (IU) Geriatrics Program; Director, IU John
A. Hartford Foundation Center of Excellence in Geriatric Medicine; Scientist, IU Center
for Aging Research; and Affiliated Scientist, Regenstrief Institute, Inc. He is also
a Health and Aging Policy Fellow, and John A. Hartford Senior Geriatric Leadership
Scholar Award-winner, among other honors.
Golden is Director of Older Adult Programs, Rush University Medical Center; Faculty, Departments of Preventative Medicine and Health Systems Management, Rush University Medical Center; and Adjunct Faculty, University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. She has been honored with the Leadership Award, American Society on Aging; Heinz Senate Fellow in Aging Policy, Office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton; Chair, American Society on Aging; and has served on numerous national boards and councils.
CoA Members Present at GSA Annual Scientific Meeting
The 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America will be held in New Orleans, LA, November 19-23, 2010. "Transitions of Care Across the Aging Continuum" is the meeting's theme. The following is a list of Center on Aging member presentations, posters, and their authors:
Poster: The Symptom Experience in Older Men with Prostate Cancer Receiving Radiation Therapy S. Beck, M. Caserta, L. Ellington, B. Wong, J. Guo, N. Honea
Symposium: Aging & Technology: How the Use of Technologies can Define, Fulfill & Enhance Living,
Well-being & Cognitive Memories
Symposium Presentation: Toward "Post-Aging": The Various Roles of Technology in an Aging Society S. Wright, K. Felsted
Symposium: Philosophy and Aging: the Past, Present and Future Considered S. Wright, Chair
Symposium Presentation: Post-Aging: A Prolegomena to Any Future Technologies Session Title: Philosophy and
Aging: The Past, Present and Future Considered S. Wright, K. Felsted
Presentation: You're part of the community: Older rural Canadian palliative patients transition experience W. Duggleby, K. Penz, D. Goodridge, B. Leipert, P. Berry
Poster: Simulation: A Millennial Innovation for Enhancing Gerontological Content in a Nursing Curriculum L. Underwood
Symposium: Dual Process Model of Bereavement: Meaning, Measurement, and Intervention M. Caserta & R. Utz,
Co-chair Symposium Presentation: Coping Processes among Recently Bereaved Spouses/Partners in Two Group-Based Study
Conditions M. Caserta, R. Utz, D. Lund, D., B. de Vries
Symposium Presentation: For whom can grief be modified? An evaluation of the "Living After Loss" intervention R. Utz, M. Caserta, D. Lund, D., B. de Vries
Poster: Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: Balancing Autonomy and Beneficence on the Scales of Justice M. Henry
Poster: The Impact of Home Health Medicare Policy Changes on Elders with Diabetes in a Utah Endocrinology Practice M. Litchman
Poster: Pre-Death Dual Process Coping in Hospice Nurse-Caregiver Communication? A Case Study Session Title: Death and Grief Session K. Wright, M. Caserta, L .Ellington, G. Pepper, P. Berry, M. Clayton, M. Reblin
Poster: Social Support and Depressive Symptoms among Older Adults in Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study Z. Zimmer, F. Chen, M. Caserta, S. Wright
Troy Anderson Named as Hartford Doctoral Fellow
Troy Andersen has been chosen as a John A. Hartford Foundation Doctoral Fellow in Geriatric Social Work for his outstanding work as a doctoral candidate. His dissertation topic is "Proactive Dementia Care: A Pilot Study of Social Work and Health Education Interventions with Mild Dementia and Their Care Providers" and his dissertation chair is Marilyn Luptak. The award will allow him to focus his energies more fully on his dissertation research project, and provides supplemental guidance, mentoring and professional development to more successfully launch an academic career in gerontology and social work. Congratulations Troy!
Reynolds Grant Team Wins National Quality Award
The Alliance for Continuing Medical Education selected the Utah Reynolds Grant team's Advancing Geriatric Education through Quality Improvment program, in conjuction with Jerrald Roberts from the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Office, for the 2011 (National) Award for Outstanding CME Outcomes Assessment on Advancing Geriatric Education Through Quality Improvement (AGE QI). The Reynolds Grant team members named on the award were Mark Supiano, Nanci McLeskey, Denise Brooks, Charlene Weir, and Cherie Brunker. Congratulations to all on this excellent achievement!
Faculty Candidate Seminar Next Week
The Department of Physical Therapy is hosting faculty candidate Micah Drummand, PhD, from the University of Texas Medical Branch; Sealy Center on Aging, for a talk on "Nutritional and Exercise Interventions to Promote Muscle Rehabilitation" Tuesday, November 2, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the Health Professions Education Building at 520 Wakara Way. Please click here for the flyer.

About our logo: The bristlecone pine tree (Pinus longaeva) the earth's oldest inhabitant with a life span of 4,000 years is found only in Utah and five other western states. Its extraordinary longevity and ability to adapt and survive in extremely harsh environmental conditions above 10,000 feet embodies the investigative spirit and mission of the Utah Center on Aging.
If you have questions about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us online at http://aging.utah.edu 801-585-9540 or aging@hsc.utah.edu
Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging