Nov/December 2010, Volume 4, Number 11
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
News and Events
Membership Renewals & Web Site Updates
Please visit the Members section of the site to check out its enhanced functionality and layout. If you have not yet submitted your updated information, you will be contacted to do so. We can easily link to the MBM or FAR systems. Please contact if you have questions.
Welcome New Member Sarah Ferguson, PhD.
Sarah Ferguson, PhD, is a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication
Sciences and Disorders, recently coming to Utah from the University of Kansas. She
holds a master's degree in audiology from the University of Maryland, completed a
Clinical Fellowship at the Medical University of South Carolina, and obtained a joint PhD in audiology and cognitive
science from Indiana University. Sarah's research is focused on everyday speech understanding in older adults, and
how speech acoustic characteristics affect that understanding. We are pleased to welcome
her to the University of Utah, as well as the Center on Aging.
Research Retreat Reminder- February 22-23, 2011
Preparations are in full swing for the 5th Annual Center on Aging Research Retreat to be held February 22-23, 2011 in the Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles Health Sciences Education Building. The Retreat format will be slightly different this year.
Tuesday, Feb. 22 will begin at 3:30 p.m. in HSEB's Alumni Hall with a reception, networking, and poster session, during which the 2010 Pilot Grant Recipients will give brief presentations on their research. The event will conclude at 6:00 p.m.
The following morning, Wednesday, Feb. 23, will be from 8:00 a.m. to noon in HSEB's Lecture Hall 1750, will be devoted to a symposium on "The Geriatric Patient-Centered Medical Home & Transitions of Care." It will feature keynote speakers, Steven Counsell, MD, Indiana University; and Robyn Golden, PhD, Rush University Medical Center. University of Utah and other regional speakers, including Cherie Brunker, MD, and Les Lenert, MD, will bring the Utah perspective. Their presentations will be followed by an interactive panel discussion.
A call for posters will go out in January. Please encourage participation from colleagues and students. The "Save the Date" flyer can be found here. Please post it throughout your departments.
Coming Attraction- 2011 Pilot Grant Request for Proposals
The Request for Proposals for 2011 will be released in mid-January with a March 28, 2011 submission deadline.

About our logo: The bristlecone pine tree (Pinus longaeva) the earth's oldest inhabitant with a life span of 4,000 years is found only in Utah and five other western states. Its extraordinary longevity and ability to adapt and survive in extremely harsh environmental conditions above 10,000 feet embodies the investigative spirit and mission of the Utah Center on Aging.
If you have questions about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us online at 801-585-9540 or
Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging