February 2010, Volume 4, Number 2
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
News and Events
Center on Aging Research Retreat March 9-10
The CoA 2010 Research Retreat is fast approaching. Timothy Smeeding, PhD, from the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, will present his keynote address "Policy Analysis and Entitlement Programs for Older Americans: Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security" on Wednesday morning, followed by a panel discussion and presentations by the 2009 pilot grant recipients. A flyer with a detailed schedule and further information is available at: http://aging.utah.edu/utah_coa/Research%20Retreat.pdf. Please feel free to print and post this flyer in your departments. A press release will soon be available on our website http://aging.utah.edu.
We still have display space available for the poster session and reception Tuesday afternoon, March 9. This is a great opportunity for Center on Aging faculty and students to display their scholarly work in the field of aging. You will find detailed poster presentation instructions and an itinerary on our website http://aging.utah.edu/news/2010%20Poster%20Instructions.pdf. Please reserve your space at the poster session no later than Monday, February 22, so we may notify those who would like to submit additional posters.
Center on Aging Funding Approved through 2015
The Center on Aging was reconfigured as a free-standing organization in late 2005 with significant institutional funding support from Senior Vice Presidents Betz and Pershing. In 2007, I received a National Institute of Aging Geriatric Academic Leadership Award K07 grant that supplemented this support. Thanks to these sources of support, the Center on Aging has made substantial progress in the last four years. A progress report summarizing these accomplishments is available for your review at http://aging.utah.edu/utah_coa/CoA%20Progress%20Report.pdf
In an effort to plan for the Center's future growth, this progress report information and a budget request for ongoing institutional support was reviewed by the Center's Board of Directors late last year, and subsequently submitted to Drs. Betz and Pershing for their consideration. I am extremely pleased to report that this request has been approved. This ongoing support will allow us to maintain the Center's administrative structure, annual research retreat and pilot grant program for the next five years at their current levels. I am very grateful to Drs. Betz and Pershing for the continuing support that they have committed for the Center's activities.
Pilot Grant Program Proposal Reminder
March 31 is the deadline for proposal applications for the Center's 2010 pilot grant program. To download the complete request for proposals with detailed application information, visit the Center's home page, http://aging.utah.edu/pilot/10_01%20CoA%20Pilot%20RFP.pdf. Please remind and encourage all interested faculty to submit an application.
Member Achievements
Utah Alzheimer's Association Chapter Honors Dr. Norman Foster
The Alzheimer's Association Utah Chapter has announced the recipient of the prestigious ALEXA Award for 2010 – an award given to an individual who most exemplifies a lifetime of achievement in the field of Alzheimer's disease. This year's award recipient is Norman Foster, M.D. Dr. Foster is Professor of Neurology and Director of the University of Utah Center for Alzheimer's Care, Imaging and Research. He is a member of the Center on Aging's Steering Committee. The award will be presented at the Chapter's "An Evening to Remember" Gala on Saturday, March 6th at the Downtown Salt Lake Marriott. For more information go to http://www.alz.org/utah/in_my_community_18590.asp. Congratulations to Dr. Foster!
Trainee and Student Award Congratulations
Markus Amann, PhD, has been selected for the Environmental and Exercise Physiology (EEP) New Investigator Award, which recognizes an outstanding investigator in the early stages of his/her career who has made meritorious contributions to the area represented by the EEP Section.
Steve Ives has been selected for the Environmental & Exercise Physiology (EEP) Gatorade Predoctoral Investigator Award, presented to a predoctoral graduate student whose investigation in either environmental, exercise, or thermal physiology has been designated by the Steering Committee as an outstanding example of experimental research.
Later Life Love on "Faculty Face Time"
Professor and Associate Dean for research at the College of Social Work, Amanda Barusch, is featured on the University's "Faculty Face Time" answering questions about her research on love in later life. To submit questions or watch the video click the following link: http://www.facebook.com/universityofutah?v=app_4949752878&ref=ts.

About our logo: The bristlecone pine tree (Pinus longaeva) the earth's oldest inhabitant with a life span of 4,000 years is found only in Utah and five other western states. Its extraordinary longevity and ability to adapt and survive in extremely harsh environmental conditions above 10,000 feet embodies the investigative spirit and mission of the Utah Center on Aging.
If you have questions about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us online at http://aging.utah.edu 801-585-9540 or aging@hsc.utah.edu
Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging