October 2008 Volume 2, Number 9
A publication of the University of Utah Center on Aging
Special Recruitment Edition
This is a special edition of the Center's newsletter devoted entirely to recruitment
of new faculty and students. We are entering a pivotal time in the Center's evolution
thanks to the opportunity to fill several key faculty positions that will have a major
impact on the Center's activities. To that end, we are seeking input from all of our
members to help us identify quality applicants for these positions. We hope to arrange
to meet with some of the candidates during the Gerontological Society of America's
annual meeting November 21-24.
There are several sources for these openings. We have an opportunity to be creative
in our approach to filling these positions - for example, combining resources from
two or more of these sources to fund the position.
Health Services Research Position
The newly funded Veterans Rural Health Resource Center (RHRC) - Western Region led by Dr. Byron Bair - highlighted in the August 2008 newsletter - has created an opportunity for faculty to join the health services research group. This is an ideal opportunity for an individual with an interest in the rural health of older individuals, as well as the Native American, Alaskan Indian and Pacific Islander populations. Go to http://aging.utah.edu for a job description for this health services research investigator position. Please contact Dr. Bair for more information about this position.
Basic Biomedical and Applied Clinical Investigator GRECC Positions
The RHRC funding has made additional funding for faculty positions available within the VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, http://www.saltlakecity.va.gov/slc_grecc/research.asp. In addition to the health services focus, we are also interested in recruiting to build on existing strengths in its basic biomedical and applied clinical research areas. Please contact Dr. Lorise Gahring (basic biomedical), Dr. Russ Richardson (applied clinical) or Dr. Supiano (GRECC Director) for information about these positions.
Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Presidential Endowed Chair in Healthy Aging
The College of Nursing recently announced the establishment of the Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Presidential Endowed Chair in Healthy Aging. A search committee led by Dr. Ginny Pepper is accepting nominees for this Chair. Additional information is available at http://www.nurs.utah.edu/jobs/endowd_chair.html.
Faculty Position in Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program
Dr. Dale Lund has recently accepted a position as Chair of the Department of Sociology at the University of California, San Bernadino. His departure has opened a tenure-track position in the College of Nursing's Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program. Dr. Scott Wright is leading the search for this position. For more information, go to http://aging.utah.edu.
Faculty Position in Department of Physical Therapy
A search to fill a tenure-track position in the Department of Physical Therapy is underway. The search committee is led by Dr. Paul LaStayo, and its position description is available at http://aging.utah.edu.
Center Seeks Student Members
The Center welcomes applications from your students and trainees for student membership. We encourage you to have your trainees submit a brief letter explaining their interest in joining the Center that is also signed by you to indicate your endorsement of their application. The student members will be included in our e-newsletter and other Center communications, as well as be invited to participate in the Spring 2009 Research Retreat.

About our logo: The bristlecone pine tree (Pinus longaeva) the earth's oldest inhabitant with a life span of 4,000 years is found only in Utah and five other western states. Its extraordinary longevity and ability to adapt and survive in extremely harsh environmental conditions above 10,000 feet embodies the investigative spirit and mission of the Utah Center on Aging.
If you have questions about the University of Utah Center on Aging, please visit us online at http://aging.utah.edu 801-585-9540 or aging@hsc.utah.edu
Mark A. Supiano, MD
Executive Director - Center on Aging