8th Annual Research Retreat - 2014
March 24-25, 2014
"Successful Aging: Years to Life and Life to Years"
The 8th Annual Research Retreat will feature a Poster Session on Monday March 24,
and a Keynote/Symposium Session on Tuesday, March 25. We are pleased to announce our
distinguished Keynote speaker will be Dr. Diana Kuh from the United Kingdom. Location
for all events will be held at the University Guest House Conference Center, 110 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84113.
Monday March 24, 2014 - 3:00-6:00 PM

Location: Ballroom, University Guest House Conference Center - 110 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84113
More than 50 Posters will be presented on aging related studies spanning a broad spectrum of both Social-Behavioral, and Biological research.
If you are interested in presenting a poster, deadline is Monday, March 3, 2014 - details found here: 2014 Call for Posters.
Tuesday March 25, 2014 - 8:00 am - 12:15 PM
**This Event is Free of Charge, but Registration is Requested**
Diana Kuh, Professor of Life Course Epidemiology at University College London, is the director of the MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing (LHA), and the MRC National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD), the oldest of the British birth cohort studies that has followed up over 5000 individuals since their birth in March 1946. Diana is also the principal investigator of the Healthy Ageing across the Life Course (HALCyon) network and co-Director of a new NIH-funded programme on the Integrative Analysis of Longitudinal Studies of Ageing (IALSA) that bring together cohort studies to investigate lifetime influences on ageing.
Diana’s research involves four key and mutually reinforcing areas where she has made internationally acknowledged seminal contributions. The first is the creation and advancement of the field of life course epidemiology, that is the study of biological, social and psychosocial risk processes from early life that influence adult health, ageing and chronic disease risk: Diana is the co-author of key textbooks, editorials and reviews. The second comprises her original research, mainly on the NSHD, into the scientific discovery of lifetime influences on ageing. In a broad range of 300 publications she has shown the importance of childhood development and lifetime socioeconomic factors, lifestyle and health experience on later adiposity, cardiovascular and reproductive function, strength and physical performance, quality of life and survival. The third is her role, as principal investigator of the HALCyon research network (www.halcyon.ac.uk), in bringing together inter-disciplinary groups of scientists working on cohort studies for the scientific discovery of life course influences on healthy ageing and which has resulted in many high impact publications, including systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The findings have been recently brought together in a co-edited book, published by OUP on A life course approach to healthy ageing.
The fourth is Diana’s leadership of the NSHD, where her team and key collaborators have built on the legacy of her predecessors to develop NSHD into an integrated and interdisciplinary life course study of ageing. LHA recently completed the 23rd NSHD follow-up at 60-64 years (84% response rate) to intensively phenotype members of this cohort for a range of biomarkers of ageing and pre-clinical disease using state of the art imaging techniques. This enhanced NSHD resource is a national scientific asset of enormous value for research into ageing. At the MRC Quinquennieum Review in 2012, the Unit achieved excellent scores (9/10) for past research and future plans, was commended for the integrative science, capacity building, and development of data sharing, so far with 220 scientists in over 50 research institutions across the world.
- Retreat Flier / Printable
- Retreat Program / Printable
- Poster Session Presenter List / Printable
- Keynote Lecture / VIDEO Filmed 3/25/2014
Call For Posters / Deadline March 3
FYI News Announcement 3/14/2014